Meet Dr. Zipperman
Specializing in Integrative Psychiatry
Dr. Michelle Zipperman is a board-certified psychiatrist offering both in-person and online treatment. Her training and expertise include both medication management and psychotherapy techniques to treat a wide range of psychiatric conditions, some of which include anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, ADHD (both diagnosis and treatment), panic disorder, OCD, trauma history, neuro-divergent cognitive makeups, and more.
Her psychotherapy approaches include cognitive processing therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, psychodynamic individual therapy and couples counseling.
She has experience caring for cancer patients, veterans, young-adults, over-worked professionals; and those struggling with grief and life transitions, such as divorce, college stress, or a job change. Dr. Zipperman’s practice style is one of collaboration with her patients and other providers in the treatment team.
“I believe that patients often know what treatments do or do not work for them; of most importance is listening to a patient’s preferences and adhering to them whenever possible.”
Dr. Zipperman believes in patient-centered care, which means that the patient can and should make the decisions. She provides professional expertise to 1) educate patients about their diagnosis and treatment plan options; 2) empower patients to adopt a healthy lifestyle through incremental change; and 3) coordinate referrals to complementary practitioners and specialists when appropriate.
Dr. Zipperman’s Background
Dr. Zipperman is a Northwest native raised in southern Oregon, as well as an alumni of Oregon State University, where she graduated with honors and earned a bachelor's degree in toxicology with a minor concentration in chemistry. At one point she thought she would be a veterinarian, so she studied animal science and earned a master’s degree in agriculture from California State University in Pomona. Ultimately, Dr. Zipperman chose medicine because she enjoyed learning about people and hearing their stories.
Dr. Zipperman received her medical training from Loma Linda University School of Medicine in California, a program that strongly emphasized the importance of treating the mind and body together; also, the role of healthy living, stress management, and preventative care as fundamentals of medical treatments to achieve overall wellness.
After graduating from medical school in 2007, Dr. Zipperman went on to pursue advanced medical training at the University of Southern California and University of Hawaii. She completed her psychiatric residency at the University of Washington. Dr. Zipperman transitioned into private practice in order to tailor care for her patients with an emphasis on mind-body wellness and integrative psychiatry.
In her free time, Dr. Zipperman is a big animal lover. She enjoys training her border collies and competing in sheepdog trialing. She takes care to practice what she preaches in the way of achieving life-work balance.
Board-Certified Psychiatrist in Seattle, WA
“Profoundly positive change happens when patients sense they are understood, that their doctor empathizes and genuinely cares for them in a compassionate way, and when their doctor partners with them to achieve BALANCED LIVING."